Namo Ato


My lil brother will be 8 next april. His name is Adam, and he is funny, n wild. he is such a hoot n i love him with all of my lil brown heart.

When he was (i think) 4/5 years old we found out he was on the autistic spectrum because he was struggling to communicate verbally. He speaks a lil bit, maybe sometimes when he feels like it, but mostly not. He really enjoys shouting though, thatā€™s like his favourite hobby.

My favourite thing about him is his intense focus. He gets obsessed with performing routines, but really strange obscure ones. A year or so ago he became really interested in performing the actions and routine of a birthday party, and so every weekend my Dad would have to buy him a birthday cake and some balloons, and heā€™d wrap all his toys up in paper, put candles in the cake and get ppl to sing him happy birthday - so he could blow out the candles, open his presents, and perform the routine again and again - until he was satisfied with how it all went down. A few years before that, he must have been only 5 or 6, he was really interested in the kinda prerequisite sitcom entrance. So heā€™d sit in my sisterā€™s wardrobe, wait till we were talking amongst ourselves and then waltz outta the wardrobe super casual-like and say, 'HI GUYS,' and me and my sister would have to clap and whoop and whistle like a live sitcom audience when the star of the show comes onstage.

He sees and understands the world differently to me, his brain is wired up in a way that is not like mine. perhaps I canā€™t or wonā€™t ever understand his perceptions, truly or deeply.

Thinking about him and the actions he performs and re-performs; I always thought he enacts these routines because he is trying to understand their basis, their purpose or function or why they are done. I feel like I do that with things I donā€™t quite understand too. If something sits kinda oddly with me, I understand through repeating it and like moisturiser it sinks into my skin. Lilā€™ Wayne said: 'Repetition is the father of learning. I repeat: repetition is the father of learning,' and I agree, but more than learning, it is also a tool for understanding. Perhaps Iā€™m seeing Adamā€™s behaviours through the lens of my own, but thatā€™s how I understand it. Because birthday parties ARE pretty weird things. By performing their actions and components over and over i think he gets to understand their purpose and function and < what > they actually are.

Saying this, laying down this foundation to talk about the work in Tramway;;;;;;

Ans I say this because the works iā€™m writing about this week were by Nama Ato, a group or collective of 3 Japanese artists. They all, like Adam, are on the autistic spectrum and communicate non-verbally. The work was all hung very straight and grouped by themselves. They didnā€™t speak with each other in the room, and the fact that there was no physical or likeā€¦ present curation kinda rubbed against me. I felt it, and I felt it like a filmy skin between me and the work. Because although I understand that autism isnā€™t one set way of functioning / that it doesnā€™t materialise or present in the same way in everyone / the word idiosyncrasy belongs here / these artists could or would have an entirely separate and different experience of the world to Adam; and I couldnā€™t help but think about my brother while I was walking through the room. (but also, like, duh. Of course I think about him loads, heā€™s my little brother. I think of him when I see puddles, and geese, when I go to gallery gift shops, when I'm in the Asda bakery section, when I see someone eating a packet of Skips etc.)

Looking at the drawings from anime sheet music, I thought about Adam and how he repeats to understand. I thought about how the last time I saw him, he wanted to perform his bed-time routine. He got under the covers of my sisterā€™s bed, fidgeted around, got up, ran to the bathroom n pottered around. He looked in cupboards and then ran back and said, 'Goodnight,' ready to start all over again. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m being a dickhead by saying, 'I wish Iā€™d seen more, more of the behind-the-work.' Because I donā€™t mean it in that way. I donā€™t mean that I want a documentary about the artistsā€™ experiences and for someone to explain to me how, 'this is like this bc they have this and they see things like this,' because it doesnā€™t work like that. I donā€™t want the artistsā€™ identities to be defined by the fact they are autistic. However, Adam performs these routines and I truly think he understands the world in this way; by performing odd parts of it over and over. Maybe the deal here is: I donā€™t know much about autism beyond my brotherā€™s contact and experience of it. Everything I know and understand about it is through him. I wish Adam was old enough to understand my questions if I asked him about it, but honestly ask any 8 year old why theyā€™re doing something and theyā€™re like, ā€œBEcaUSE I wANt to, DUHā€ (tbh fair enough, good answer).

While I was looking round, I saw the work as a similar kind of thing, in the same circle of the Venn diagram as Adam eating cheetos in a party hat every Saturday. It might sound strange and unrelated but thereā€™s something in his actions and the way the work showed the artistsā€™ repeated actions that made me think there was more to the work than just its face. What about itself. I wanted to know if anyone else who didnā€™t have Adam as a little brother would see the work in the same way as me. And if they donā€™t, were they missing the point? I hope people didnā€™t walk away from this exhibition thinking the work was samey-samey, or too easy or uncomplex, because it wasnā€™t. But also. Maybe Iā€™ve only got these questions because I walked into the room and thought about Adam, and balloons, and cakes? Maybe I shouldnā€™t be asking to see the backs of things and I should take it all at face value (an important thing to do sometimes), maybe Iā€™m being neurotypical af, expecting these things to be translated for me and other ppl who think like me. Maybe if Adam had come to Glasgow with me, heā€™d have loved the show and got it, and thatā€™s the point, thatā€™s all that matters. I wish Adam came on tour with the White Pube, because IDEALLY - he should be writing this review.

hello, i didn’t want to chooseĀ emojis for this week’sĀ review. not for any particular reason, i just didn’t feel any draw to emojis. i tried to get my brother to pick emojis but he was v busy n didn’t want to.