Why I Love The White Pube


zarina has written her part on why she hates the white Cube but i’m gonna turn that frown upside down n say why i love the white Pube ~ lil curly pube. ‘cause I’m having legit relationship-butterflies over this, having pregnancy dreams ‘cause I got a baby now :)))

So i am from kensington, not the london one lol, but the liverpool one they use in emotional comparisons of wealth in this country. I get full loans and bursaries and grants and hugs because my parents aren’t doctors. and i’m here in London atm where I swim with art criticism and nod along and put 2 and 2 together, but every so often I call my sister for a catch-up (normally on the toilet for some reason) and it’s like wait a minute, what would she think of the work some people are making in the studio? lol What would my NAN think of the work I am seeing out in galleries? Once, we were sitting in my Nan’s and the house opposite literally got shot at three times while we were having an already intense game of super mario. What would my Nan think of the martin creed scrumpled paper at the hauser n wirth frieze stand worth up to $70,000? she’d think i was havin a laugh. This is my litmus test when I see art/make art/write about art: ‘would my nan think this was proper cool, or a show.’ that is totally valid! Work that adds to discourse is fine, it’s rich and appreciated, but when ppl walk in a gallery you gotta remember that they can’t read minds. ask yourself, is the piece also cool? entertaining? look amazzzin? do you wanna take a picture of it? does it make you feel things? it is scary? worth the visit? worth the ticket? My sister actually only thinks work is good if it is technically sound, and that is sound with me. / My family have made me up my game, and my standards. no bullshit or pretension. because It is not okay to sell a scrunched up piece of a4 for that much money. that is vile. and I think it is greedy to make hush hush artworks that only make sense to about 5 people. it’s like some shit in-joke that probably wouldn’t even be funny so I’m not gonna ask :/ sometimes you just gotta make shit that looks good, tells an actual story instead of some embodied narrative blah blah. Aaaand so this is why I am in love with The White Pube. It is important because my voice is not supposed to be. and rather than giving in, embarrassed, sucking up to f i n e art academia, i am instead sticking by my working class, poor girl artist guns and using some of my grant money to take up space on the internet where I will be honest about the work that is cool, and the work I think you are all pretending to like. the way no one really likes oysters, let’s all just stop pretending :))))) as if i have ever even tasted an oyster haha

heart shape made up of tiny hearts