old residencies!

newbies might not know this but: we began this website in october 2015, and in jan 2016 we started inviting a different artist onto the website each month to do a residency. they shared their work on our homepage and some of them tweaked the design of the website too. This went unpaid for a while because we weren’t making any money but artists still wanted to do it. It wasn’t until we got an advice column with Dazed where we were paid £200 each month that we were able to backpay all residents. The residency no longer exists – instead, whoever gets our monthly creatives grant of £500 is also invited to share their work on our homepage if they want to. But! for the archive, for the love of it, for the people who want links to good artists, here is the list of everyone who had a residency on the white pube back in the day :-)

the pictures are mostly lost to time. some of these links no longer work but i include them incase you wanna wayback-machine your luck. If you are one of the people listed below but you need the name or link changing, just get in touch!







… and then we switched things up to start sharing the grant on the homepage. ok cool. god we have such good taste!!!!

bonus pics for scrolling all the way down here:

busy messy overlapping imagery and words on the white pube homepage that are wobbly in a glitch effect, with hintsa of buildings, streteview, and a globe covered in lines

^ yank scally’s residency ^

a mostly white homepage on the website with a small image of plants and another of somebody's legs in a wheelchair alongside a poem that says 'I am tired of the art gallery, the pain in my hip says more'

^ david parnell’s residency ^

the white pube homepage with three colourful arches to hold the UI with a big peach emoji and a line saying a shrine for the peach

^ nathan wong’s residency ^