1 month til the book


gab holding poor artists US edition

gab's kitten climbing into a box full of poor artists books

we got a little delivery of the US edition of our book. people have said that the first time your book feels real is when you get to hold it but for me, it is only real when other people tell me they have read it. only then does the book have weight in my hands / head / belly.

it isn’t out for another month but some people in publishing and journalism have received advanced copies for business-reasons, and some people have borrowed or robs those copies off others, and one of those borrowers sent us an email that said ‘I’ve just finished your book and feel the urgent need to tell you that despite all odds it has made me truly want to make art and Be An Artist again :) without intensely oversharing i thought that my art self was gone for good. the book was very affirming and healing and also just very very very good so THANK YOU! very much! you have made something very special!’

see, THAT is real. that is real and good and so real.