The Creatives Grant is BACK ON, BABY


Sometimes stressful things happen to us and I say to Zarina, it’s fine, we’ll just ask our readers. Someone will have a solution. Someone will know the answer. Lo and behold, we lost funding for our monthly grant this week, I told our readers, and the same day, somebody got in touch offering to fund the next 4 months off their own back. Just a normal person. I have to stop messaging them thank yous lest I annoy them out of their patronage so instead I’m coming here to say this:

We might not ever find another funder who is willing and able to fund the grant indefinitely, because Β£500 every month is a lot to ask, but if lots of different people are able to fund one-off Β£500s then maybe it will be okay? And so, I’m putting it out there. If you are able to fund, say, the Creatives Grant for September 2024 because you have the cash spare and you want to help more working class early-career creatives get in and stay in, please send an email to [email protected]. You could support the grant anonymously. We could say TERRY FUNDED THIS ONE. It’s up to you. It’s just important we keep this thing alive because culture will be worse off without us!!!! And maybe you’re not the right person but you know someone who is? Maybe you have a rich dad? Dads are the worst. give us his money to give to someone else. let’s conspire

okay kisses on the heads for all our readers goodbye :D