i've started a new column for elephant


As The White Pube, we used to write an advice column for Elephant. Elephant changed hands, the column got cut, and then we got a message from the new team asking if we wanted to pick it back up again. I proposed an individual column about Culture at Home becauseee, well, my time as a critic is split between the 2015-2020 era of being an international critic who was flying all over the place to see stuff, versus 2021-present, being a chronically ill critic who doesn’t have as much money and is just almost always in the house. I have continued writing about art and games and books and so on, but I’ve never consciously said, this is all I can write about. In this new column, I am doing exactly that.

Column #1 is about LΓ¦rke Bagger’s book Close Knit. Idk if you know this but I’ve gotten really really really really really really really really into knitting this year, and Bagger’s book is one of those culture-things I have been able to fully appreciate without going outside. So here ya go.

Read the first column on Knitting on Elephant’s site here


I don’t know when number #2 is coming out. The idea here is less /strict schedule/ and more /this is what I can do, when I can do it/ as per the rules of my 2021+ body.

Oh and …

If you have something home-situated you would like me to write about, please send me a message [email protected] and I can consider it :-))))