i love our discord so much


What I don’t do nearly enough is flog our Discord to the world. For the past few years, pissed off by Instagram, having deleted Twitter, and spending increasingly more time in my house alone due to sickness, I have sought refuge in The White Pube discord server. if you too are pissed off by those other social media quicksand shitholes, you might like Discord better. it’s a slower pace. it’s more about conversation than all of us shouting at the same time in one room about different things. it’s more polite tbh! It’s more creative. it’s also funnier because there’s time for jokes to build. On the white pube discord, there are running jokes about denim, Nietzche, saints, but mostly denim. We all loved international Secret Santa so much that we followed it with Secret Snackta. But mostly, it’s a place to make pals. People ask advice, ask for a second set of eyes on something, share jobs and opportunities, share pictures of their cats and also their shrimp, practise spanish and german and share gossip about artists and also celebrities and people who release otters illegally into the wild. It’s a great time. But as I say, it’s kind of a place to make friends. The thing I miss most about being a student is hanging out in the studio just shooting the shit. This discord is that for me now. There’s art, yeah, but we talk about everything else even more.

So I don’t flog it because I enjoy it too much and forget it is a thing people have paid sometimes Β£1 to enter. You can automatically join if you become a Patreon of TWP; or you can send us minimum one great british pound on Paypal, send us an email saying you wanna join, and then i’ll send you a discord link next time i’m online which is basically all the time so it shouldn’t be too long til you’re in. It could be free to enter but we attract trolls on other accounts, and I don’t want that here. discord is too precious tbh, so just one pound to get in. and then you can talk about denim to your heart’s content! then, you get to see Nietzche’s nudes.