my downpour collection
ever since the app downpour came out – a free phone app you can use to make websites – I have watched other people make funny games and interesting games and share poetry and art. I, however, use it like an external harddrive for my brain. my tiny brain. long covid really meddles with my ability to remember things so thank god for downpour. I have a whole collection on my external brain now. You can see them all here or see my inner workings below; or, or, or subscribe to the rss using this url : )
In 2023, I started taking film pictures, getting them developed, thinking oh hey this film is great omg I’m obsessed everyone looks like a film star so I should definitely get this film again – and then not having a clue what film I used. Box thrown out months ago. So, this is my solution. I made GABARAZZI, a downpour to keep track of the film I use. it’s not so much a photo album, though i like making a note of my favourite picture from a roll. I have a physical album downstairs full of prints so this is more for when I go to the camera shop to buy film but stare blankly at the shelves. I have three different cameras now, too. So it’s useful to quickly compare what they each produce.
I love to knit. This downpour is called TEJIDOS meaning knitted things in spanish. as above, I don’t want to lose track of the yarn I use! or the patterns I use! or if I enjoyed the yarn or the patterns at all, because what if I liked the final product but it was a struggle? Tejidos is a record of all of that, adjustments and so on. It’s the one I like the most because it’s fun to click on each ball and see it turn into a Thing. Quick before and after. Also useful when I go to the yarn shop – my favourite place maybe in the world? I have a record of the exact shades and yarn weights if I wanna make something again, and when I started knitting I realised straightaway that that’s a pretty important thing to keep track of. soooo glad I have downpour for that.
This one is the newest downpour in my rainy little ouvre. It is a collection of things that I like. Outfits and sweets and knitwear designs and random shit I see online and, up until that point, had just been screenshotting and never looking at again. I realise this is why people have Pinterest, or at least I think that’s what happens over there. But I was looking through Fruits and thinking I’d like to look back at some of these pictures again at some point. If I take pictures on my phone, I’ll never look at them again though. Ah-haaaaa. There’s Downpour for that! When it comes to people asking me what I want for christmas or birthdays?? SEE HERE. If it’s payday and I think time for a treat or I wanna knit something new but don’t know what, SEE HERE. Importantly, the last page is a comment box where people can suggest things they think I might link so I hope I like more things in the future. hehehehe
people of the salt was my first downpour, and it’s also the biggest one. in terms of externalising my brain, I made it in 2023 when I was so sick and so out of it that I kept forgetting how to help each one of my many symptoms. I thought it could be a tool more than anything. a nurse inside my phone. something to care for me when I was too sick to remember how? I think I went about it in a mad way, and it could be a lot better, and I should definitely update it with all the things I do nowadays. But I still get messages from people who think it’s useful for their own experience of POTS; plus there’s a list of POTS-friendly foods on there that I continue to send to people when I am going to be staying in their house. okay yes, a 2025 update is now on my to-do list. bear with π§
finally, not much to say on this one. it’s called becoming my mother because it is the sewing counterpart to the knit downpour above, and my mum is go-to person in my life who sews and mends and fashions and crafts. I did a bunch of sewing last year but to be honest nothing I made has ever been AS functional as the knits I complete, so I got frustrated and put my machine back on the shelf. I really wanna go back to it this year. But I really feel like I am missing the precision required so maybe I am not becoming my mother after all. Knitting is so much more forgiving, so it was easier to get better at it. Sewing is so intimidating to me still. I think I’ve been aiming too high and need to pare it back or something. Idk, maybe if you’re clicking on this later in 2025 there’ll be better things on there. I hope so!!
i love downpour GG long live downpour – where would I be without it!!!!!