I wrote about Harry Josephine Giles


One of my favourite artists, Bella Millroy, invited me to be part of Further Afield, a project exploring art and disabitity in rural spaces. Bella interviewed various creatives who all live in remote spaces, and then invited people like myself to respond to those interviews in writing. For my contribution, I wrote about the interview between Bella and writer Harry Josephine Giles. Both parts of that exchange are available here – I finally read HGJ’s book Deep Wheel Orcadia for the ocassion! What a book. I really felt like it lived in the same universe as the game Citizen Sleeper; like Deep Wheel Orcadia could have been a game inside Citizen Sleeper’s world, or Citizen Sleeper could have been a game the characters in Deep Wheel Orcadia played. Two stories about space, relationships, power, wonder, and that kinda sticky uphill plowing-on we all have to do to survive. They should be paired together like a good meal – same goes for the interviews and responses on Further Afield : )