Good YouTube #4


  1. just works really well, would listen to a full album of this. also extremely youtube for this to exist.
  1. too many vlogs are excessive and flashy and rich and it’s nice when you watch a vlog of someone who looks like they could be one of your many nice, normal friends (i say that with love)
  1. a man walks in a straight line across england. i have watched the entire series, getting excited for new episodes more than any other shite on tv right now. youtube reigns supreme. I’ve also seen the Norway series before it. And Wales attempt 1 and 2. I love GeoWizard. This man can’t half narrate. I’ve sort of been considering writing a Proper Text about his videos but while I’m spinning my wheels, I just feel bad I’m not banging the drum for him already so here you go ->

you only get 3 recommendations this week because i’ve actually spent more time watching spanish twitch streamers this week instead