we were on another podcast
We were on an episode of The Healthy Artist podcast, hosted by Martha Lamont and Dan Curtis. You can listen here:
when the email invite first came in I was in the middle of a crash brought on by overdoing it on the book tour, and I thought haha, yes, let’s talk about art and health. I then had to cancel recording because of sickness, at least once but maybe twice, I can’t remember. When we finally got around to speaking to Martha and Dan, it was perfect timing. The show asks different artists how they ‘build the tools to create a sustainable and resilient art practice, with slowness, honesty – and a good dose of humour.’ I am having to withdraw from a lot of work at the moment and swap success in writing for success in health. The convo made me realise how much of a support system I already have in Zarina, in the very nature of working in a collaboration. It made me feel ready to rest.
I gotta check out the other episodes now – but there’s no rush. only when I’m ready βοΈ
Check out the Healthy Artist podcast here