long time no see bc i haven’t fancied a lad In The Culture in a while!!! call it love, call it boredom, whateverrrrrr but welcome back to ✨LADS I FANCY✨, a TWP blog series where i just show u all the ✨LADS I FANCY✨
i didn’t fancy him in twilight, i didn’t even fancy him in harry potter. robert pattinson is a lad that literally looks liek every white man i’ve ever seen (no offence to white boykind) so i didn’t realise i fancied him until literally THIS YEAR.
went to see mickey 17 at the weekend, which was OK. like it was funny, haha, silly and cute, avatar but with weird bug alien babies, okok, human spam printer. cute.
BUT there are so many shots of RP’s lil bumcheeks. a treat. now i fancy him. hahahahahahhaa