
OUR BOOK POOR ARTISTS COMES OUT OCTOBER 3RD you can pre-order it HERE if you like (if you are in the US you can pre-order it here). If you’re in the UK and you’d prefer to pre-order from an indie bookstore, this is the pre-order link for dead ink bookshop in Liverpool, but they ship nationally so you’ll get that in the post wherever u r in the uk :)

our BOOK COVER which has the title POOR ARTISTS on a bright pink background with an abstract digital painting of a lemon

‘A moving, eye-opening journey through the world of contemporary art from one of the most innovative voices in the field. At a moment in which working as a professional artist is an increasingly unattainable luxury, art criticism duo The White Pube investigate why so many artists try anyway.

Poor Artists follows aspiring artist Quest Talukdar as she embarks on a surreal journey into the creative industry, where she must decide whether she cares more about success or staying true to herself. Featuring dialogue from anonymous interviews with real people who have all had to ask themselves the same question – including a Turner Prize winner or two, a recluse, a Venice Biennale fraudster, a communist messiah, a ghost, and a literal knight – The White Pube tell the story of art like never before.

Labelled β€œthe Diet Prada of the art world” by British Vogue, in Poor Artists writers Gabrielle de la Puente and Zarina Muhammad ridicule a contemporary art world that has turned art into artworks, art schools into art universities, and creative expression into cut-throat competition.'

πŸ—£οΈ is it fiction is it non-fiction nobody knows!

πŸ—£οΈ πŸ—£οΈ WE WOULD LIKE TO SELL ONE MILLION COPIES but don’t worry we would give (most of) the money away because being a millionaire is UNETHICAL

πŸ—£οΈ πŸ—£οΈ πŸ—£οΈ

DID YOU KNOW that all pre-orders between now and the book’s release on october 3rd count towards its sales in the first week? that’s how so many internet-based writers end up on bestseller lists because they have a pre-existing audience who have already ordered the boooook come on that would be so funnY






